Social Media and Your Teen’s Self-Esteem
Social media can be a great way to connect with people and keep up with events, movements, and celebrities. It can also lead to depression and dissatisfaction. If your teen is struggling with their self-esteem, social media may be contributing. Here are some things to consider and possibly address with them. Perfect Bodies Social media […]
Encouraging a Healthy Body Image for Your Child
Many children, from toddlers to teens, can struggle with body image to some extent. Fortunately, as a parent, you can help your child develop a good body image even from a young age. Model a Healthy Image Children learn by watching. Modeling a healthy body image is the first step in encouraging their healthy mentality. […]
Social Media and Your Teen's Body Image
Social media has changed so much in the last decade. People are reconnecting with high school friends on Facebook, keeping up with the daily activities of friends on Twitter, and sharing the story of their lives through images on Instagram. Social media has given us a lot of beauty, but it has also opened new […]