Healthy Snacks For Your Family This Summer

healthy snacks

With summer just around the corner, there are all kinds of fun ways to embrace the season! While some summer snacks aren’t the healthiest, there are lots of awesome seasonal snacks that you can enjoy as a family. Here are just a few ideas for fun, healthy snacks that will be great for your family […]

Modeling Positive Body Image For Your Child

modeling positive body image

Children learn so many behaviors from their parents and other caretakers! Whether it’s the face they make when surprised, or the words they use, little eyes and ears are always picking up on new things from the adults in their lives. That’s why modeling positive body image is so important! By being a good example, […]

Healthy body image – helping kids appreciate their looks

When someone accepts, appreciates, and has a positive opinion about their body and appearance, we say that person has a healthy body image. The way we think, feel, and generally form opinions about our own bodies develops through time and may depend on many things: experience and self-esteem, influence of other people, socio-cultural environment etc. […]

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