Watch for The New Drug of Choice with Teens: Over the Counter Drugs

OTC drug

Teenage years are a time for independence and experimentation. In many ways, this is good for teens and their families, but it also comes with risks.  Alcohol and drug usage has been a concern with teens for a long time. While you must certainly watch for usage of illegal drugs, teens are turning to a […]

What to Do if Your Teen’s Friends Use Drugs

Teens Friends Use Drugs

As kids enter their teenage years, they tend to gravitate more toward friends. Oftentimes, this growing independence is associated with acting out and other negative behaviors. In the worst cases, teen years can be riddled with drug and alcohol use.  The earlier teens get into drugs, the worse impact it can have on their life […]

When Should You Talk to Kids About Drugs?

when to talk to kids about drugs

To protect your kids from the dangers of life, you must have some tough conversations. It’s important to build trust with kids so they feel comfortable coming to you with questions. One key topic to address with your children is drugs.  Drug use in teens is more common than many parents think, so the conversation […]

Talking To Your Teen About Substance Abuse

mom and teen talking about substance abuse

Talking to your teen about substance abuse is hard to approach. What have they already heard from teachers and peers? How can you make them comfortable enough to come to you if any problems come up? Is it better to do it all at once, or talk to them a little at a time? However […]

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