The Pitfalls of Eating Out


Eating out at restaurants has become a common, convenient part of busy American life. It’s understandable when the last thing most of us want to do after a long day is spend time in the kitchen cooking.  However, while eating out is convenient, it usually isn’t the best choice for yourself or your family. Even […]

4 Techniques to Get My Children Eating Okay

healthy food

Toddlers and small children are often picky eaters and their frequent resistance to trying new things can concern parents. Many of us worry that our children aren’t eating enough or absorbing the right combination of nutrients despite our best efforts to provide healthy options.  If you’d like to encourage your child to eat larger quantities […]

Sack Lunch: 5 Inexpensive Ways to Pack Lunches

school lunch

Buying groceries is getting more expensive, and often, buying lunch that your child’s school provides isn’t any better. Read on if you’re looking for reasonable ways to save money when preparing and packing lunch for your child’s school week. #1- Reusable Containers One of the best ways to save money on school lunches is to […]

6 Ways to Get My Kids to Crave Fresh Fruits and Veggies

fruit and vegetables

It’s normal for kids to dislike the taste and texture of fruit and vegetables, and many parents seek ways to get their children to enjoy healthy food without having to force it.  If your children struggle to eat enough fruit and vegetables, try one or more of the following tips to encourage them to make […]

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