Christmas Confession: I Hate Giving Gifts to My Kids!

Gift-giving is stressful at the best of times, but if you have children who wear their feelings on their sleeve, it can be a whole other minefield to navigate. If you’re frequently put off or embarrassed by children being less than polite when receiving gifts, try one or more of these tips to encourage gratitude. […]
Why Can’t I Do Anything Right When It Comes To My Kids?

Being a parent is not an easy role to fill. You’re dedicating time and effort to help mold a young person into who they’re going to become, and there’s nothing simple about that. It can feel like a never-ending struggle to raise a child and for many parents, there are times when everything seems to […]
What Should I Do? I Think My Kids Might Be Addicted To Tech!

The world has become a more technologically advanced place since we were children, and all of the new device availabilities have plenty of parents concerned. Is it healthy for children to use electronics as often as they do, or is their behavior motivated by addiction? While most children are not addicted to technology, even if […]
5 Ways to Get Your Child to Stop Swearing or Using Bad Language

Most of us don’t want our children to be the type to use foul language, especially in front of other people. When we hear a bad word coming from our children’s mouths, it can take the wind out of us and leave us wondering how to correct it without being too harsh. If your child […]