Teaching Your Teen Respectful Sharing Online

respectful sharing online

As your teen starts learning about social media and privacy, it’s important they also learn about respectful sharing online. After the privacy settings are handled, they may still be left with questions about what is or is not okay to post. Sure, they might know basic safety tips like not sharing their home address or […]

Teaching Your Child To Self-Regulate Internet Use

teen learning to self-regulate internet use

When our children are young, we work hard to set up structure and rules to keep them safe. We set limits on their screen time, install only child-friendly apps on devices they access, and monitor their internet usage closely. As they get older, however, it is important they learn how to do some of those […]

Teaching Kids About Safe Internet Use

internet use

The internet can be a wonderful thing, but it can also be dangerous. From identity theft to cyber-bullying, people use the internet to prey on unsuspecting users. Use these tips to teach your child how to safely surf the web. Avoiding dangerous websites There are lots of websites with inappropriate content or viruses that can […]

Online Tools To Teach Your Child Internet Safety

child using online tools

Many parents can tell you the risks of internet use, and we have all heard of cyberbullying and privacy breaches. Although some parents want to protect their children from the world forever, that is not realistic. We must prepare them for what awaits as they get older, and in 2019 that includes teaching them about […]

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