If Your Child is Dealing with Drug Abuse
What can you do if your child is using illegal or harmful drugs? Whether it’s occasional or regular, drug abuse is serious. Here’s are some steps to take if you suspect your child may be involved. Know the information It’s important to understand the research about underage drug abuse. Most first-time drug users are under […]
Talking To Your Teen About Substance Abuse
Talking to your teen about substance abuse is hard to approach. What have they already heard from teachers and peers? How can you make them comfortable enough to come to you if any problems come up? Is it better to do it all at once, or talk to them a little at a time? However […]
How to recognize and understand the severe consequences of drug abuse
A first step in drug awareness and prevention and protection against drug abuse (http://www.drugabuse.gov/), is to know what drugs are, how they change your behavior and what makes them physiologically and physically addictive. A “drug” is a common name used for a substance which chemically influences performance, has intoxicating effects or is used in medicinal […]