Daily Affirmations For Your Child

daily affirmations

We all know that helping your child develop a healthy identity is important, but what about other ways to build their confidence? One easy way to boost your child’s confidence is to teach them daily affirmations! Affirmations are often used to help people build confidence and manage stress. By helping your child develop this practice, […]

Time Management For Families Staying Home

time management while staying home

There’s a reason so many people are joking about forgetting the time, month, or even day of the week! With so many people staying home to flatten the curve, it’s easy for us to start to lose track of time. Whether you’re figuring out homeschooling, working from home, or simply at home together trying to […]

Helping Your Child Learn Stress Management Skills

stress management

For children and adults, this is a stressful time to live through! While you may already be working on healthy habits together, you may not have thought about putting stress management habits on that list. Here are a few healthy habits for stress management you can teach your child! Deep breathing exercises The phrase “take […]

Protecting Your Child's Mental Health

Mental health is all over the media. We hear about anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other mental health problems, but we rarely talk about what can be done before a diagnosis to help people be as mentally and emotionally healthy as possible. Here are three ways to protect your child’s mental health! 1. Teach […]

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