Off-Screen Activities For Your Teen

While staying at home, most of us are spending a lot more time on screens than usual! A lot of this added screentime is likely necessary for you and your teen in order to keep up with work and school. On top of that, video calling is the easiest option for connecting with others while […]
Developing Faith-Based Habits

Healthy habits don’t just include eating right and exercising. For Christians, it also means maintaining a healthy spiritual life. Parents can encourage their kids of any age to develop these three important faith-based habits. Prayer Although prayer is simple, making it a habit can be challenging. Children can start learning about prayer from the moment […]
Developing Your Child’s Reading Skills

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of reading! And even from infancy you can start your child on the path to reading on their own! Here are some steps you can take, with each stage of your child’s development. 1. Introducing it in infancy Although your baby isn’t able to speak yet, introducing them to […]
Teaching Your Child Manners

Manners are an important part of life, and it’s never too early to start teaching them to your young ones! Here are some tips to make the process easier. 1. Set an example As with anything, kids learn from watching you. They will imitate your actions and words. So, make sure they have a good […]