Raising Your Child to Become An Optimist

While there are pros and cons to everything, it is pretty well established that being optimistic and having high expectations is a benefit in the long run. Here are a few ways you can raise your child to be an optimist! 1. Teach them positive self-talk It’s easy for kids to learn negative self-talk as […]
Helping Your Teen Build A Positive Body Image

As we get back into the swing of the school year, it can be easy to forget the impact summer may have had on our teens. After months away, they are going back to seeing all their school friends on a daily basis, and might be feeling especially insecure depending on what they saw and […]
Finding Free Fun Activities For Your Child

In this world, it can be easy to feel like everything has a cost. Just to survive we have to pay for food, water, and shelter, and more. In addition, many children have gotten used to wanting whatever their friends have. It may feel like they are constantly asking for new clothes, shoes, gadgets, and […]
Teaching Your Child To Take Care Of The Earth

As Christians, it is important that we take care of the Earth, not only because it is our home, but because God commands us to. One of the first commands God gives Adam in the Bible is to take care of the garden of Eden. The world may be more complicated now than it was […]