Teaching Your Child That Stealing Is Wrong

child learning that stealing is wrong

One of the first pieces of the Bible many children learn is the Ten Commandments. They are some of the most important rules Christians can learn and follow! While some of them may be easy to teach your children organically, like reading the Bible, because it’s already a part of your daily routine, some are […]

Do Not Covet: Teaching Your Child Gratitude

woman teaching daughter gratitude

There is so much in our modern world that is teaching children anything but gratitude. They see friends from school coveting and asking for more and better items. There is advertising on TV and online that is made to convince them they need what they do not have. However, we are commanded in the Bible […]

Only One God — The Idols of the Modern World

Exodus 20:3 says, “You shall have no other gods before me.” This is the very first of the Ten Commandments, and it seems pretty straightforward, right? In the modern world, I am not regularly pushed serve other gods like I read about happening in the Old Testament. There are no golden statues in my house, nor […]

Honor your Father and Mother

The Ten Commandments, a set of laws given to Moses on Mount Sinai to instruct the people of God on how to live their lives, have been taught for thousands of years. These commandments are like a 101 course on living a life pleasing to God. One of the commandments parents may enjoy teaching their children about is […]

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