Praying for Your Children

As parents, praying is one of the most important ways to support children as they grow and learn. It also allows you to see God’s hand at work in their lives. Here are some different ways you can pray for your kids. Pray for Their Faith Your child’s faith is probably the most important thing […]

Off-Screen Activities For Your Child

off-screen activities

In today’s over-connected world, it can be hard to find a single moment away from the dinging and buzzing of electronics. More and more parents are realizing the importance of time away from screens, but have a hard time implementing it consistently. Here are a few fun off-screen activities for your child to help them […]

Date Ideas for Working Parents

date ideas for working parents

When life gets busy, it’s easy for parents to let date night slip off the priority list in favor of work commitments and taking care of their child, but date nights are an important part of keeping your family strong! Date nights can help you model prioritizing your spouse, help keep your marriage strong, and […]

How To Communicate With Your Child, Even When You’re Busy

communicate with your child

You may not be communicating with your child as much as you think you are, especially as they get older. Sure, you remind them about homework and make sure they’re in bed on time, but when was the last time you had a conversation with your child that didn’t revolve around day-to-day tasks? When life […]

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