Teaching Kids About Safe Internet Use

The internet can be a wonderful thing, but it can also be dangerous. From identity theft to cyber-bullying, people use the internet to prey on unsuspecting users. Use these tips to teach your child how to safely surf the web. Avoiding dangerous websites There are lots of websites with inappropriate content or viruses that can […]
Helping Your Son’s Body Image

It is not particularly hard to find information on helping daughters with body image, but what about sons? It is easy to fall for the stereotype that eating disorders are a women’s issue, but one-third of people with eating disorders are male! In addition, men make up about half of the people who have disordered […]
Teaching Your Child To Take Care Of The Earth

As Christians, it is important that we take care of the Earth, not only because it is our home, but because God commands us to. One of the first commands God gives Adam in the Bible is to take care of the garden of Eden. The world may be more complicated now than it was […]
How To Parent Your Child From A United Front

As parents, you and your partner have an (often underrated) ability to set the tone for your home and your family. When you prioritize being active, your children learn that being active and healthy is important. When you live out your faith in day-to-day life, they learn that their faith is more than a Sunday […]