Helping Your Child with Separation Anxiety

Most children go through some amount of separation anxiety, but how can you help your child through those fears? Here are some ways you can help your child with separation anxiety cope and work through it! 1. Know what to look for Your child’s separation anxiety will take slightly different forms at different stages from […]
Helping Your Child with Spring Fever

The weather is getting warmer, sports are starting up, and kids are starting to get spring fever! When the weather is finally mild again after the winter, almost everyone is itching to get back outside and play, sometimes at the cost of important school work. Here are some ways to quickly ease your child’s spring […]
Valentine’s Day Crafts to do with Your Child

Valentine’s day is right around the corner! Kids are having little Valentine’s parties in school and at church, but what are some ways that you can celebrate this holiday as a family? Here are some fun crafts you can do with your child! 1. Love Bugs Without any scissors, this craft can be great for […]
How To Help Your Child With Internet Addiction

Addiction is one of the hardest struggles of many young adult lives, and it has become sneakier than ever before. Now, addiction does not always look like drug dealers or underage drinking, it can look like something as harmless as being on the internet more often than is healthy. Here we will go over simple […]