Helping Your Teen Sleep Better

It’s no secret: teens tend to have trouble getting enough sleep. In fact, on average, over half of middle and high school students are not getting enough! Sleep is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle but can be easy for parents and teens alike to overlook. If your teen is struggling to get […]
Teaching Your Teen Good Hygiene Habits

As children grow up, the goal is to help them become more and more independent which includes their hygiene routines. You’ve likely already taught your child bathing and brushing their teeth is a good idea, but do they know enough to manage those routines on their own? Here’s what your teen needs to know to […]
How To Communicate With Your Child, Even When You’re Busy

You may not be communicating with your child as much as you think you are, especially as they get older. Sure, you remind them about homework and make sure they’re in bed on time, but when was the last time you had a conversation with your child that didn’t revolve around day-to-day tasks? When life […]
Helping Your Son’s Body Image

It is not particularly hard to find information on helping daughters with body image, but what about sons? It is easy to fall for the stereotype that eating disorders are a women’s issue, but one-third of people with eating disorders are male! In addition, men make up about half of the people who have disordered […]