Celebrating Veterans Day

Veterans Day

November 11th marks Veterans Day. 

While this holiday may not seem as fun and festive to young children, it is a very important national holiday to teach kids about. 

There are also ways to make it fun and enjoyable for the whole family to celebrate. 

Here are some ideas for celebrating Veterans Day this year. 

What is Veteran’s Day?

Veteran’s Day is a national holiday for honoring military veterans, or those who have served in the U.S. armed forces. The reason it is celebrated on 11/11 is that hostilities of World War I were ended the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. At that time, the Armistice with Germany became effective. The key difference between Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day is that Veteran’s Day honors all who have served in the U.S. military, whereas Memorial Day is a special tribute for those who died during service. 

Educate Kids on Veteran’s Day 

Take some time to teach kids about Veteran’s Day and its meaning. Depending on the age of your children, a documentary, movie, or book may help. Sit down with your children and jot out a timeline of events that lead to the celebration of the holiday. 

Celebrating Veteran’s Day as a Family 

While it’s important to teach kids about the holiday, it’s also a great time to celebrate and honor veterans. Some ideas include:

  • Make thank you cards for veterans. Give to a veteran you know or find one through your local VA facility. 
  • Bake some treats for local veterans. Make some of your favorite recipes for snacks, treats, or desserts and deliver them to veterans or the VA facility. 
  • Decorate. Get out the red, white, and blue decorations and supplies. Create some simple decorations to showcase on the day. One idea is to paint rocks and write messages of gratitude. 
  • Interview a veteran. If you know a veteran, this is a great opportunity to speak with him or her about their experience. Try to find an opportunity to talk to a veteran in person or virtually with your kids. 
  • Visit war memorials. Many war memorials offer in-person and virtual tours. This is another great opportunity for kids to learn more about veterans and their service. 

There are many ways to enjoy Veteran’s Day with kids of all ages. Teach kids about the meaning of the holiday and try some of the simple ideas above. 


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