Fun Activities for Creating Thanksgiving Memories


Holidays are a great time to create lifelong memories. As Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude and good food, it’s one of the best holidays for making new family memories. 

Here are some ideas for Thanksgiving activities that help create memories.

Family Photo 

Getting the whole family together for a photo is rare. Take a few minutes out of this Thanksgiving for a family photo. Many cell phones take great quality photos, so this is easy to do without a professional. Try a nice smiling photo, a silly photo, or something else that suits your family. If the weather is still nice, you can find some outdoor scenery to capture the fall as well. 

Cook Together 

Include kids in the Thanksgiving meal preparation. Kids of all ages can help in some way. Whether it’s setting the table, handing you supplies, or checking the timer, get the kids involved with cooking. It will help teach them valuable skills while bringing you together for the holiday. 


Thanksgiving is famously associated with an outdoor family football game. If this is something your family enjoys, head to the yard for some two-hand touch football! If the weather is too cold or the activity isn’t suitable for your kids, there are many more to choose from! Pick a game your family likes and try it out this Thanksgiving. You could play a sport or a board game. If it’s possible to get outside, take advantage of the weather while you can. 

Gratitude Exercise 

Thanksgiving is all about recognizing what we are grateful for. One of the best activities you can do this holiday is a gratitude exercise. Some options include:

  • Go through your gratitude jar, or start one as a family today!
  • Have each person at the table share something they are thankful for. 
  • Draw pictures of some things you are grateful for and share with the family. 
  • Create a gratitude page that has lines for what, who, and why each person is grateful as well as some fun images to color in.

Use this Thanksgiving to gather with family and form new memories. Simple activities like the ones above are some of the best ways to strengthen your family bonds and create lasting memories. The key is to recognize what we are grateful for and how much family means to us during this holiday. 


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