The Best Non-Toy Gifts For Children

gifts for children

Is your house filling up with toys from birthdays and Christmas that are played with maybe once or twice before they are forgotten in the corner, collecting dust? We are always looking for the latest and greatest thing to keep our children busy and entertained but it never seems to work out the way we planned. Check out this list of the best non-toy gifts for children that won’t end up taking up valuable space in your house.


Getting out of the house and experiencing new places is the first non-toy gift on the list. Consider purchasing a membership to a local museum, zoo, swimming pool, or other hot attraction in your town. Often these memberships pay for themselves in just a few visits. These memberships often cover the entire family so you can also consider this a gift for more than one child.

Subscription Boxes

This particular gift could end up taking up space in your home but it is a great educational gift! There are various companies that will send you monthly or quarterly packages with various activities inside that suit your child perfectly. From arts and crafts to STEAM activities, your children are sure to be busy for a while! Another perk of this gift is that it will come several times during the year, consider it the gift that keeps on giving!

Custom Photo Art

What child doesn’t love looking at pictures of themselves? Even better than looking at those pictures on your phone or computer is printed in a book or on canvas! This is a gift that they can cherish for years to come. Pick out some of their favorites and make this super personalized and thoughtful gift for your child.

When another holiday or special day rolls around and you cannot figure out what to buy, consider these non-toy gifts for children. You will not be disappointed and neither will they! 

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