The Fears of Parents: How Can I Help My Kids Get Good Grades?


When parents notice a drop in their child’s grades, their initial response is usually confusion, followed by worry. 

If your child is struggling to get good grades in school, there are a few things you can do as a parent to help things improve. Try one or all of the following tips to provide your child with educational support.

Use Technology

Technology is a helpful tool in an array of situations, one of them being education. With a world of information at our fingertips, helping your child enhance their learning is more accessible than ever. If your child is struggling with specific concepts or lessons, try searching online for supplementary material (ex: YouTube videos).

Teach Study Skills

Many children have a hard time paying attention to learning material when distractions are present. When your child is studying at home, make sure they’re doing so in a learning-friendly environment (somewhere quiet and calm).

You might also try teaching your child how to study effectively. Provide note-taking and review techniques, and occasionally quiz your child about what they’ve just read. 

Talk with Teachers

When a child has a difficult time in a specific class, the difficulty might lie in the subject itself or the teacher’s approach to it. Many teachers are willing to collaborate with parents and give struggling students extra help. Talk with your child’s teacher if they’re struggling with a certain class. This way, you and the teacher can explore ways to help your child succeed.

Explore Educational Services

Some schools offer tutoring services, often at no cost, so reach out to your child’s school if you feel he or she needs extra help with a certain subject. Often, a tutor can explain the material in a way that makes sense, as well as walk students through different approaches they can use to solve problems and retain information.

Keep in mind that a drop in school performance is not always a reflection of your child’s effort or their teacher’s skill level. Your child might simply have a unique learning style that isn’t being activated through the instruction they’re receiving. 

If you’re concerned about your child’s educational needs, speak with the counselor at his or her school. This individual may be able to provide you with resources that will help your child thrive in a learning environment.

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